
japanese to english translation

Similar phrases in dictionary japanese english.

bypass operation
LASIK; laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis
xenotransplantation; heteroplastic transplantation; xenotransplant; heterograft; heterotransplantation; heteroplasty
transplanting; implantation; porting; engrafting
nator; transplant coordi
small shovel or trowel used in gardening
portable executable file
transplant production
replacement organ
transplant; implant; graft
transplantation immunity
small shovel or trowel used in gardening
nucl; ear transplantation
corneal transplant
liver transplant
liver transplantation
marrow transplant
surgical gown
surgery; operating room
operation scar; scar from an operation
surgery costs
operating table
minor surgery; minor operation
heart transplant; heart transplantation
heart transplant operation
sex change surgery
orthopedic surgery; plastic surgery
surgical operation
organ transplant
operations on animals
day procedure; day surgery
organ transplant from a brain-dead donor
skin graft; skin transplant
skin grafting
pricking out
sterilisation; sterilization
breast augmentation
hair transplant
embryo transfer; embryo transplant
endosperm grafting
umbilical cord blood transplant
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Showing page 0. Found 59 sentences matching phrase "".

The surgeon persuaded him to undergo an organ transplant
The surgeon persuaded me to undergo an organ transplant operation
Whether he has the operation depends upon the availability of the organ
The American culture had been transplanted from Europe
Mother transplanted the flowers to the garden
The next discussion concerns the transplantation of prenatal tissues
Decision to disallow Medicaid for second cochlea implant withdrawn
A typical nurse will do such things as helping with a urinal bottle, and shaving in preparation for surgery!
He had an injection prior to the operation
He was hospitalized for a surgical operation
I underwent major surgery last year
He chose to be operated on
Six months ago I had an operation for the cataract in my right eye
The doctor decided to operate at once
He will have to undergo an operation next week
I don't want to have an operation
I had an operation for glaucoma last year
An operation on his throat helped him recover from the pneumonia, but it left him without his voice
Yes, madame president.A confederate of almeida' s who was wounded earlier today
He said to himself, 'Will this operation result in success?'
I was keyed up over her impending operation
The surgeon persuaded me to undergo an operation
I am still a bit sore after my operation
My father ought to have had an operation for cancer
Take her to surgery

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